Do you still use expensive MDE devices for your inventory?
The simple inventory app for Android smartphones - turns your smartphone into a powerful MDE device
Carry out inventories, stock checks, article management and picking with your smartphone. With support for Bluetooth handheld scanners, of course.
The perfect and cost-effective alternative to MDE devices
Smart Inventory is optimized for use on smartphones. Simplify all activities related to the management of your goods.
In addition to the simple counting of articles, Smart Inventory also supports the recording of serial numbers. Of course, other unique numbers, e.g. Device numbers or IMEI's are recorded. If you simply scan the serial number instead of the EAN or article number, the actual stock is automatically increased by "1" and the serial number marked as present.
The data exchange with their ERP is done easily by means of CSV files (comma-separated values). You can easily save the finished inventory, send it by email, send it to your Google Drive, or print it out directly.
Color highlighting of items (correct stock, positive / negative stock, non-scanned items) facilitates the overview of your stock / inventory or picking. Let yourself, for example,
during picking, see only the items whose stock is incorrect (positive or negative stock), so you can see directly which items still have to be picked and which items have been picked
too many.
The barcode of the articles can be simply scanned with the integrated scan function or with an external Bluetooth scanner. You can use just about any Bluetooth scanner that can be paired with your smartphone and after the barcode sends a return character (Return / Enter). Successfully tested, e.g. Handheld scanners from Netum, Aibecy and Inateck. The automatic counting facilitates the counting of articles.
You can also edit the data of the articles (Store, Rack, EAN code, article number, description, product group, target / actual stock, price) of course. The inventories are stored locally, so that internet access is only necessary to load the files to be imported onto your smartphone or to send the exported inventories.
Why use MDE devices, if you can use Smart Inventory?